Screening: "Comrade Kim Goes Flying" and Panel Discussion

Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art – Ford Hall
May 3, 2018, 5:00 pm to May 4, 2018, 4:45 pm

Screening Poster:  "Comrade Kim Goes Flying" and Panel DiscussionFilm Screening:  COMRADE KIM GOES FLYING (2012)

A Belgium,UK,& North Korea Co-Production (directed by ANJA DAELEMANS(Belgium)/ NICHOLAS BONNER(UK) / KIM GWANG HU (North Korea)

Thursday, May 3
to 7:00pm
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art – Ford Hall


Short synopsis

Comrade Kim Yong Mi is a North Korean coal miner. Her dream of becoming a trapeze artist is crushed by the arrogant trapeze star Pak Jang Phil who believes miners belong underground and not in the air. “COMRADE KIM GOES FLYING” is a heartwarming story of trying to make the impossible possible.

For more information, please visit
