Undergrad Student Representative Survey for CINE Diversity Committee


Diversity Committee Student Rep Survey

Diversity Committee Undergraduate Survey

The Department of Cinema Studies is looking for undergraduate student representatives to serve on the department’s Diversity Committee.

The anonymous survey will help Cinema Studies shape the student representative positions and to learn more about your needs and concerns. 

Please submit the survey by Friday, June 4th.

Take the Survey

The Diversity Committee, which is made up of several faculty members, helps lead the Cinema Studies community in fostering an inclusive and equitable climate. To support this goal, the student reps will help us better understand the student experience while shaping the culture of Cinema Studies. We hope to recruit 2-3 representatives, depending on interest and demand. While the commitment and compensation for the student reps have yet to be determined, the Diversity Committee and student reps expect to meet about once a term, starting the next academic year.

Please submit the survey by Friday, June 4, 2021.
