
Jen-Nash_OG_no-crops-no-bleed-1The 2018-2019 New Directions in Black Feminist Studies speaker series centers on the ways in which academic and popular critics have recently galvanized black feminism as both a critical and creative corrective to ongoing state-sanctioned racialized, gendered, sexual, economic, and environmental injustices. Given the current state of affairs—globally, nationally, and locally—this is a crucial time to invite black feminists to the University Oregon to 1) reflect on how black feminists have historically mobilized theory and praxis to expose and interrupt asymmetrical power relations within and beyond the academy and 2) to consider the ways in which the University of Oregon’s intellectual community might ethically mine black feminisms to imagine, rehearse, and enact new possibilities for social change, both on and off campus. This event aims to capture the interest of faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, and community members alike.

New Directions in Black Feminist Studies - Nash TBA